Love doesn’t begin, it doesn’t end. It goes on and on forever.
It existed in the past life, it exists in this life and shall exist in the next life and the ones after it.
Love is not about time. It is about experiencing eternity in every moment and eternity as a moment.
Love is not about distance. Nothing can separate it.
Love is not about the body, it is about the soul. It is not physical; it is spiritual.
Love is not about showing; it is about feeling.
Love is not an emotion, it is the truth.
Love is like a tattoo on your back. You cannot see it but it’s always there.
Love is about letting go, for it will find its way back to you.
Love doesn’t fade away. It grows stronger as time passes.
Love doesn’t begin, it doesn’t end. It goes on and on forever.

Ansh Das

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