One fish is no fun

A good story must have multiple characters in it. A single-character story is single-dimensional and, hence, boring. Today I want to play your friendly neighbourhood science guy. Only that I won’t be doing much besides talking. Trust me. You don’t want me doing...

An Idea is born

It began on a warm evening right in the middle of a crowded party on the terrace of Red Bar at 2 IFC, then Hong Kong’s tallest building. I walked away from the group I had been talking to and stood at the edge of the terrace to look towards Kowloon, on the other...

The Truth about Fiction

There are websites that tell you how you should write, how you should polish your work, how you should present your work and how you should market it. All these are skills you can learn. But those websites don’t tell you how to conceive an idea you want to write...