Mind vs Heart

I long for you since the day we met That’s my heart. My mind says its impossible. I laugh at myself As I watch them battle everyday. I catch myself thinking It’s never gonna happen. That’s just my mind. The heart doesn’t understand, It insists...

Our Song

This song is not about loss It’s about gain Countless hurdles, rising above pain It’s a song about us This song is not about tears It’s about smiles My heart’s reflection in your eyes It’s a song about us This song is not about clouds...


Sometimes when I look up at the sky I see a lonely white cloud floating by I don’t know why it does, But it reminds me of you. And I ask myself why do people have to die. I still can’t believe you are gone That I shall never see you again I shall never...

It grows stronger over time

Love doesn’t begin, it doesn’t end. It goes on and on forever. It existed in the past life, it exists in this life and shall exist in the next life and the ones after it. Love is not about time. It is about experiencing eternity in every moment and...

A Snake in Paradise by Brenda Sedore

Author Brenda Sedore knows how to pack a punch. If you follow writers or literary agents, you will come across this piece of advice – put a lot of action in your first chapter; your first five pages should have enough juice to spur your readers to read until the...

Can I bake you a story?

When I was 9 years old, my mother bought a small machine called an Inframatic. One could grill and bake on it. Since nobody had much use for it, I claimed ownership and played with it. Grilling chicken meat was easy. I would need to marinate the fillet or wings in...

No Words

Today my friend bought a bird in the market and set it free. For the past 6 months (since his mom was diagnosed with Cancer), he has been preparing to let go. 3 days ago, his mom passed away. He called me to say he was letting the bird go…and that he has not...

Paranormal Precognitions by Daryl Sedore

Daryl Sedore’s Paranormal Precognitions was the first book I read on my Kindle. But that’s not the only reason why it shall stay on my mind. I follow authors, bloggers and literary agents on Twitter and Facebook. Not only do we share our thoughts, ideas,...

Day of Terror

This post is dedicated to the innocent people who lost their lives on September 11, 2001. May their souls rest in peace. After the attacks on America, BBC News Online received thousands of emails from people who had witnessed the terrible events. One of them was mine....

One fish is no fun

A good story must have multiple characters in it. A single-character story is single-dimensional and, hence, boring. Today I want to play your friendly neighbourhood science guy. Only that I won’t be doing much besides talking. Trust me. You don’t want me doing...