Popular J-pop icon, Baby M, arrives in Hong Kong on 30 September to collaborate with Taiwanese artiste, Jeremy Luen 綸彥霖. The duo plan to record and release a couple of love songs, in English and Chinese.

“I am looking forward to working with Jeremy,” says Baby M, who wants to reach out to the Chinese audience. She is no stranger to collaborations, having performed with artistes from South Africa, Japan, Italy, the USA and the Philippines. Baby M will be in Hong Kong for a week and shall perform at a couple of events in the Pink Season festival before flying to Ireland.

Both artistes are thankful to their fans and wish to give back to the society. For their first song, they have chosen to donate proceeds to the Hong Kong Blind Sports Association (HKBSA), which provides professional sports training courses for people with visual impairment. Baby M is also involved with helping children from the slums in Manila and HIV relief work in South Africa.

“We are two artistes from different backgrounds, countries and languages. That’s why it is a special project for us. We want to spread our message of love to everyone,” says Jeremy. His new hit single is popular with clubbers.


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Ms Devina Law – 6756 1834 / 2158 4042


美國著名歌手Baby M親臨香江



麥當娜合作無間之年輕歌手Baby M 於9月30日首度來香港作亞洲第一站宣傳其個人大碟 – Love for All. Baby M 於美國˴日本˴意大利˴南美洲等等國家都非常之受歡迎, 是次除了宣傳及與粉絲見面外, 亦是為了與台灣之混血歌手 – 綸彥霖 (Jeremy)作首度合作灌錄Baby M – Love for All 大碟中的一首合唱歌 – Rainy Day ˳ 而此首歌會以英文及國語一併合唱而且亦會將所得的收益捐作香港盲人體育協會, 而此歌亦會於全球作全面宣傳˳

為何Baby M會邀請綸彥霖是次合作 ? 原因是因為Baby M本身是日本及英國混血兒而剛巧綸彥霖 Jeremy 亦是台灣及俄羅斯混血兒, 兩人之背景都很配合此歌曲 – Rainy Day之主題 – 愛是無分地域˴膚色及階層 – 愛是平等及包容的˳

而綸彥霖 Jeremy 對於是次可以與著名美國流行歌手Baby M合作亦非常之榮幸, 而且Rainy Day 國語的歌詞是由他自己撰寫的, 所以特別有意思. 而且亦很高興此歌之收益可以作慈善用途, 幫助到有需要的人士˳

而Baby M

綸彥霖 Jeremy 合唱的 – Rainy Day 會作世界巡迴演出及宣傳, 而其首站是2012å¹´11月於馬來西亞, 12月於上海及北京及 2013å¹´ 1 月Baby M於日本的音樂會及於2013å¹´3月於美國之音樂會作宣傳, 而綸彥霖 – Jeremy 每次都會以特別演出嘉賓與Baby M合唱 – 由英文及國語合併的合唱歌 – Rainy Day ˳

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Ms Devina Law – 6756 1834 / 2158 4042

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